Stop whining, Singaporean cry babies!

WHILE Singaporeans continue to gag and choke on clouds of acrid smoke billowing from Sumatra, Indonesia minister Agung Laksono’s helpful advice is, in effect, ‘shut up and grow a pair’.

“Singapore should not be behaving like a child and making all this noise,” the minister coordinating Indonesia’s response, told reporters. “This is not what the Indonesian nation wants, it is because of nature.”

By ‘nature’ I can only assume he means the wood of the matchstick which sparks the flames igniting the diesel poured over forests to cheaply clear them for more palm oil plantations – to better line pockets all the way up the food chain.

Quit whining – AP photo

While Laksono was tutting,Singapore’s air pollution index hit a new record high, soaring to 401 by Friday lunchtime. Any reading above 300 is “hazardous” while a reading above 400 is deemed “life-threatening to ill and elderly people,” according to NEA guidelines.

But sssssshhhhhh, don’t make a fuss, right Laksono?

Some outdoor leaving drinks I’ve planned for tonight may now be less festive than they could have been, I guess… Perhaps I should theme them an Apocalypse Party.



And here’s what it looks like.
